South Thailand: Krabi
South Thailand : Krabi
Posted By : Cumi & Ciki.
Krabi Thailand, one of the most relaxing places on the planet. Stunning scenery, fantastic white sand beaches, a coastline with over 200 islands and a jungle covered interior revealing towering limestone cliffs, caves, waterfalls and exotic wildlife.. this was totally where I wanted to park myself for the New Year count down, I merrily told Cumi. Ah.. Krabi a place we visited several years ago and had fond memories of. The last time we got off the plane, we were greeted by a big Krabi chill. Yes, it was an unexpected ‘autumn climate’ that hit the Krabi residents by surprise. Everyone was wearing 2 layers and we arrived in tourist style t-shirt, shorts and slippers. Yes, we were shivering! This time it was warm and sunny as we arrived mid-morning in our Honda stallion from Trang. Instead of staying in town like the last time, we ventured into Railay Beach to find an accommodation before 2008 year end celebrations, as it would soon be the 31st Dec 2008. Railay is where the action is.
Here is the newly opened Sala Talay Boutique Resort. Upmarket and really cool.
Highly recommended for the ultimate Spa experience. As Ciki needed to achieve
the right shade to blend in with the night..,
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Road Trip – Krabi, Thailand!
Road Trip – Krabi, Thailand.
Posted By : Ina Mohd
Destination – Krabi, Thailand. Distance to destination – 850Km. Departure point – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Total cars in convoy – 4. Stopover – overnight at Hat Yai, Thailand.
It was a 5-day trip. 4 of them were spent on the road. That leaves us with only one full day to enjoy Krabi. 11 of my family members occupied 2 cars, while 2 of our friends in the other 2 with their families. The journey to Hat Yai itself was an 8 hour drive. Thank god I’m wasn’t driving! …or so I thought. My dad had fever on that day so I took over the wheel. Poor thing was coughing nastily throughout the whole drive.
We stayed at the beautiful AoNang Villa Resort. Gosh. Felt like I was in one of those Travel Channel show reviewing hotels (think Samantha Brown’s Passport to …Asia?).
Krabi Trip – 5D4N.
Krabi – 10 July 2010 to 14 July 2010.
Posted By : LiZ in Oz!!
After 9 months of hard work, it’s finally my turn to go on leave…….. was looking forward to a break which I desperately need……. so here’s some photos of the trip …….

entering the boarding gates with slpy eyes!!! the flight's at 640AM... so woke up at 4plus with barely 2 hours of slp.....cant wait to slp on the plane...
Songkran Festival In Thailand
April 9, 2010 by admin
Filed under Local News & Event
Date: 10 – 18 April 2010
Venue: Nationwide
Looking for an incredible Thai festival to celebrateω Well, Songkran, the festival of “water throwing”, is the most celebrated and merriest of Thai festival. Celebrated on a national scale, the Thai New Year always captures the imagination of travellers for both its cultural and fun attributes of water splashing among friends and relatives. “Songkran” in Sanskrit means the beginning of a new Solar Year. During this period. Read more
Krabi Rock & Fire International Contest 2010.
April 1, 2010 by admin
Filed under Local News & Event
Mention Thailand and images of beaches, elephants and Bangkok come to mind. Less known is the fact Thailand rock climbing is some of the best in the world.
Thailand Rock Climbing
Located in Southeast Asia, Thailand is bordered by Cambodia, Burma and Laos in the north and Malaysia in the south. The shape of the country is somewhat similar to Italy, and you’ll find similar differences between northern and southern Thailand that you do in Italy. For rock climbing enthusiasts, the south of Thailand is where the action is. The rock formations in Thailand are almost universally limestone. The level of climbing can be as simple as bouldering or as challenging as tackling over vertical cliffs. This makes Thailand a popular rock climbing destination since it has a little something for everyone.