Strong turnout at Natas

August 28, 2009 by  
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Travel-smitten Singaporeans, lured by attractive low fares and special promotions, began queuing at the entrance of the Singapore Expo as early as 7 am, three hours before the doors opened. --ST PHOTO: KEVIN LIM

Travel-smitten Singaporeans, lured by attractive low fares and special promotions, began queuing at the entrance of the Singapore Expo as early as 7 am, three hours before the doors opened. --ST PHOTO: KEVIN LIM

IF RESPONSE on the first day of the NATAS travel fair is anything to go by,worries over the H1N1 virus have given way – to wanderlust. Travel-smitten Singaporeans, lured by attractive low fares and special promotions, began queuing at the entrance of the Singapore Expo as early as 7 am, three hours before the doors opened. Some visitors even took a day off work to attend the fair. Exhibitors were not surprised by the strong turnout. Chan Brothers marketing communications senior executive Jane Chang said: ‘The turnout is very encouraging, especially since the 10 am opening is earlier than the previous fairs. It was not unexpected because demand was also very high during our own company travel fair two weeks ago. Singaporeans love to travel.’ Dynasty Travel marketing communications senior manager Dorothy Lee was also not surprised. ‘Singaporeans have put off their travel plans when the H1N1 flu first surfaced. Now that they have a better understanding of the virus, Singaporeans are ready to travel again.’

Singaporeans eager to snag good travel deals are back in full force at Natas fair. Travel agents hope the pent up demand will result in good sales. --ST PHOTO: KEVIN LIM

Singaporeans eager to snag good travel deals are back in full force at Natas fair. Travel agents hope the pent up demand will result in good sales. --ST PHOTO: KEVIN LIM



Organisers, on their part, are pulling out all the stops to woo back travellers. NATAS president William Tan said: ‘Extra efforts were put in by NATAS, working closely with supporting airlines to provide our members with the best airfare and seat availability support.’ Besides low prices – thanks to discounts from both travel agencies and airlines – there are 30 more exhibitors this time around, compared with the previous fair in February, bringing the total to 165. At least 17 exhibitors are new to the fair, including a booth by the National Library Board where visitors can find various travel guides for loan and library information services. Also new at the fair are overseas pre-paid sim cards, photo album makers and even on-site flu vaccination services and travel medicine packs from the National Healthcare Group. Mr Tan said: ‘With the advent of the internet, our suppliers have found new ways of reaching out to our common customers. Instead of only focusing on price, we should be promoting excellent customer service, expertise of products and the seamless travel exerience we can provide to our customers.’

Aug 28, 2009
By Wee Jun Kai

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